I found a few other pieces I am going to get printed soon to sale so if you're interested, let me know!
Prints only (not framed) pirces: 4x6 $25
5x7 $35
Birds of Prague
4x6 $50 (all prices framed and matted)
5x7 $75

4x6 $55
5x7 $80

Spanish Pirate Ship>
4x6 $55
5x7 $80

The Forrest
4x6 $50
5x7 $75

((email me for different sizes or canvas prints.))
And as I was going through my pictures today, I found one of the tribe elder Biwa. I forgot about this day. I sat with a few of the elders under a "tent" made from wood and stood about 4 feet high. They sat here for hours during the day to keep out of the sun. I think he liked the shades. What is funny though, he was laughing and being silly the entire time until it came time to take a picture... he got a very serious/tough look on his face.
the outcome: