The new (temporary) site can be found here:

*I ask that you please take time and watch this video I made. I spent months of blood, sweat, and tears putting this together (literally, I'm really clumsy)
My photos here:

And of course my site @
I hope you join me in praying for the next few months for these projects. The BOOK is set to be finished by Christmas of this year so we can get it printed and take it on tour with us through the East Coast at the end of March 2010. The tour will be to promote our ministry and SALE THE BOOK! Oh I can't wait! 100% of proceeds from the book will go directly into funding our ministry and projects.
As well as working on final designs for the book, I am hoping to join our team, Pick A Pocket, in a trip to India. There we will collaborate with our good missionary friend (who's name I may not disclose) works in the Red District area outside of Kolkata. We want to speak with her friends (women who have worked as prostitutes most or all of their life) to help in starting a clothing company. This will give them work so they can provide for themselves financially and alow them to get out of prostitution. And of course, our creative minds will be able to start new trands around the world! Oh this is too exciting! I am asking you guys - if anyone is reading this to share the video found at:
I really feel led to go with the team to India. As a designer, it inspires me so much to be in the place and interact with those I am designing for. If you want to be apart of this trip financially, my support info can be found here:
Thanks and have a blessed day!
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