From my missions pastor:
As most of you already know, The Anchor Fellowship is a church in downtown Nashville TN meeting the needs of their local community. The Anchor Fellowship has also founded a (501C3) Non-Profit called Anchor Mission, USA. The Anchor Mission, USA is church planting ministry that has planted churches in New Orleans, LA, Chattanooga, TN, Baltimore, MD, and two churches in Nashville, TN.
Today, The Anchor Fellowship has a new challenge to resolve. They are coordinating efforts in Nashville to be the hands and feet of Jesus, by helping families in his community clean-up and re-build from this weeks devastating floods. Many of you have expressed the desire to help out. This is how you can help.
1. Provide money-There is a pay pal link at: that you can securely donate cash to help
out. You will receive a tax-exempt letter for your donation.
2. You can organize a team, church group, or neighborhood party to travel to
Nashville to assist with The Anchor's outreach team for clean-up. (contact
3. You can pray for Joshua to have grace, administration, and patience as he
coordinates a new outreach in his community.
4. Sign up for our facebook group to stay in touch with needs as they come through. The name of the group will be, "Anchor Response Team".
Thank you so much,
Anchor Staff
Contact for Anchor Mission USA
521 Gallatin Rd. Ste 6
Nashville, TN 37207
Make checks payable to: The Anchor Fellowship
Or Anchor Mission USA
(Memo Flood Fund)