Millions and probably billions of dollars worth in damage has come to middle TN in the past few days because of the flood that started Saturday night (May 1, 2010). We need your help! This is urgent but no one seems to care about us. National media won't cover this because they are more worried about a car bomb attempt or an oil spill (important stories, but this is something worth sharing too)
1st ave. under water :*(

by photomagnon

by rachaelmoore
hundreds of houses (without flood insurance) under water

by Eric Hamiter

I just got off the phone with my brother who lives in my home town Kingston Springs, Tn. He and his wife were finally able to get out of their neighborhood do to the flood waters. Their house and belonging are fine, but unfortunately the rest of the city cannot cay the same. 4 houses at the end of their street were wiped away from rushing waters. Youtube search for Nashville flood and you'll find hundreds of videos of people's properties, cars, houses, everything, being washed away. It's heart-breaking to know that so many friends and family have lost so much. Most people do not have flood insurance since this is such a freak catastrophe and are now left with nothing
I say this all with absolute remorse. My prayers go out to everyone who has lost so much.
If you would like to give a monetary donation to someone in my community, you can send it through my PayPal: ibhrmonizn [at] yahoo.com
or make a donation to Nashville flood relief:

For donations of clothes, tents, blankets, etc, please send or drop them off at:
The Anchor Fellowship
629 3rd Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37210
Hours Of Operation:
Tues - Thurs
7am - 7pm
Non-Nashvillians: please spread the word, in case folks don't grasp the severity of what's going on. Temporary shelters are at capacity, missing people are unaccounted for, many homes are under water, we're in a water conservation emergency, much of Nashville's economic base is threatened by flood damage, etc, etc. We're going to need help Text 'REDCROSS' to 90999 to donate $10 to disaster relief.
Here is a house floating away down the street from my brother (across from my old high school)
The most disturbing of them all :*(
we need your prayer guys...
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