Sunday, January 31, 2010

Featured Pick a Pocket member: Melody Wilson

Melody is only 19 and is a inspiration to me in so many ways. She has a huge heart for the needy, especially the women living in prostitution in Jinka, Ethiopia and Mumbai, India

SE//What is your favorite part about being in PP?
MW+ Being about to do what i've always wanted to do. Traveling, being an artist, meeting absolutely amazing people, and changing the world! Plus working with totally amazing people and having super fun times together!

SE//Why PP? Why not a PAYING job?
MW+ Ha ha i don't really know there's no real strategy to that decision, it's just how it worked out i guess.

SE// Favorite place traveled/why?
MW+ It's a toss up between three places. Mumbai, I love india! Jinka, Ethiopia, because of all the fun times i had there and how it feels like home every time i go back! and London just because it's a cool city with a nice atmosphere!

SE//People who inspire you (artists, authors, musicians, etc)
MW+ Jesus, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Shane Claiborne, George Lucas, and anyone who isn't afraid to change the world.

SE//Finally, 1 or 2 random/fun facts?
MW+ I used to speak elvish. And i love Pokemon.

A few photos from her portfolio:

Please check out her blog: The Marvelous Misadventures of Melody!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."
-Proverbs 31:8-9

"He who oppresses the poor shows insults his Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God."
-Proverbs 14:31

Help us help those who really need it. Please take time to watch this video. This pretty explains what I have been up to the past year and a half. I put together this video a few weeks ago and have been working diligently on the book design for MONTHS! soo help a sista out and send some love :)



among my array of influences ranging from art and music to beliefs includes musicians who step outside the normal realms of what music should be. i discovered mike snow from a friend this summer and since have been in awe over his mixture of instruments, melodies, vocals, and sounds. i ran across this video today and it's become my new favorite. i haven't been impressed by a music video in a while and of course i am partial to india, but i hope you can enjoy this as mucis as i did.

i want to make music again :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pick a Pocket summer Tour 2010.

Sounds exciting huh? We're coming to America this summer for our east coast tour May 16-June 23.

We would love to see you there! We'll be exhibiting our work from the past 2 years, playing music, and hanging out with the homeless.

This is Pick a Pocket :) come serve with us! We'd love to visit our church or heck even you're backyard, we just need the okay to do so. So please contact us if you are interested in having us come! stephanie.eatherly@gmail[dot]com

May 16-22 2010 - Boston, Massachusetts
May 23-29 2010 - NYC, New York
May 30-June 5 2010 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jun 6-12 2010 - D.C., Washington DC
Jun 13-23 2010 - Nashville, Tennessee

by Chelsea McCollum

by Taylor Pool

Friday, January 8, 2010


The girls in garbage city are currently working away at this years newest designs. That's fun to say huh? Taylor left this morning to join the team in Ethiopia. Ruth Spreadbourgh (the fine arts school leader) is leading the DTS team in Ethiopia the next 2 months. They will be working with the 10 girls who are working at our home. The come every day after school from 4-7 to sew designs onto t-shirts that we will then sell on tour and on our website. We are currently searching for an Ethiopian woman who would be interested in leading this endeavor. We would like to see it become a self-sustaining business within the next few years. Right now, the profit we receive from the t-shirts is going to a college fund we are setting up for the girls. The girls and the girls' families are so excited for them to not have to work in the dump everyday. There they were at risk of disease from the trash and were sometimes abused or sexually assaulted by the guys who lingered around. We're glad we can help them get on their feet and discover talents of their own.

Even after the first week the girls were able to put together a small portfolio of their work. Britney (2009 DTS student) modeling what the last team brought back last month:

I've been researching how to screen print for months and I finally came across this device, the Yudu:

It makes screen printing super easy to do at home. It's going to be my next big investment for making merchandise to sell on our website for Pick a Pocket once it's up. It would also be cool to get a few of these to Ethiopia, train the girls how to print, and allow them alternatives to sewing.

I've been inspired mostly by artists like Mark Weaver. He combines vintage images with simple screen printed design. Beautiful :)

Mark Weaver

Friday, January 1, 2010

Top 9 of '09

Because everyone else lists their favorite movies or albums, and because I've been out of the loop for awhile. This is my list of top 9 books of '09. Enjoy :)

1. Romans by Paul- I revisited this book several times throughout the year. Not only is it filled with advice on how to live in community (12:9-13), how to submit to God, and how to live according to the spirit (12:2) , it also reveals many promises from God as well as His heart for the ones who give their lives to Him. I've also gotten so much encouragment from Paul's words (10:15)

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Rom 8:18

2. Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claibourne - I read this twice during my outreach to Africa. I was so discouraged by all the things that were wrong in this world, but Shane's word brought me hope that there are many people serving God - even in our own communities - whether we hear about them or not. Please read this book if you need a better view of Christianity because maybe the church just hasn't given you a proper one.

3. What is the What by Dave Eggers- This and the one above are actually a toss-up for the number one position. A true account of Sudaneese refugee Valentino Achak Deng. This story is heartbreaking, warm, hopeful, and unbeliveable all at the same time. A must read for anyone - Christian or non-Christian.It made me want to try even harder to get into Sudan a second time and do whatever it takes to reach those refugees still at the camps.

Achak (the main character)'s website here:

4. Jesus For President by Shane Claibourne - I mostly love how this book is written... and of course Shane's dreads and love of all my friends. Shane has such a passion for the poor and he reveals more of his heart and compassion for the needy. This book gave me hope that our government CAN change. It also includes a great history lesson on the Roman government during of Jesus's lifetime.

5. The Secret Message of Jesus by Brian McLaren - Modern day church is not at all what Jesus intended it to be. The definition of The Kingdon of God, for whatever reason, has been skewed byond belief. The words need to be on the tounges of preachers throughout the world. When will the church wake up and realize the Kingdom of God is at hand?

"If enough of us see the kingdom — and seeing it, rethink our lives, and rethinking our lives, believe that the impossible is possible — everything could change." (p. 204).

6. Simple Spirituality: Learning to See God in a Broken World by Christopher Heuertz. This is one of those books where you find the pages dog-eared and several passages underlined throughout. I've lent it to a friend so I don't have the exact quotes, just take my word for it :)

7. Under the Overpass: A Journey of Faith on the Streets of America by Mike Yankoski - I actually misplaced this book before I got the chance to finish it so if anyone has an extra copy they'd like to donate, I'd greatly appreciate it :)

A journey of two young men who give up everything (including their credit cards) to travel the US and meet the homeless on the way.This book has great insight to the life of the homeless and is perfect for anyone wanting to understand their lifestyles a little more.

8. Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser - Again I recommend this read for any American. Although I did not read it this year, during the past few months I constanly found myself referring back to it bringing up points about the American food system and its pretty disgusting habits.

If you are turned off by the hefty read, I recommend watching the documentary.

9. Finally, for all the sinlge ladies: When God Pursues a Woman's Heart by Cindi McMenamin - Not the most compelling read, but with each story Cindi backs up the writing with scripture. The book even includes little quesitonare at the end of each chapter. I think it is better to be used as a jouranl to look back at your progress as the years go by.

Happy 2-0-1-0!

So I made it back to Germany yet again and was able to celebrate the new year with tons of worship and LOTS of cake! I hope you all had an amazing holiday season!

I'm so thankful for every single person I was able to meet and talk to while I was at home. The encouragement in this time was much needed. I think the hardest part of doing what I do is repeatedly saying goodbye to family. Its always difficult to say goodbye to my 10 year old niece and one of my best friends - Kayla.

Here is the video I shared at the Anchor last Sunday. We are in the process of setting up a Kickstarter account. Once that is in place we will be able to start receiving donations for the book. In order for our book to be printed and taken on tour, we need to raise about $10,000 by April, 2010. Until then, if you have any questions, or would like to donate to the book fund please email me:

Pick a Pocket is also in the process of setting up our new site. Once that is complete, we will be able to give you a fuller vision of exactly who we are.

In the next few weeks I will be profiling some of the other members of Pick a Pocket which their stories and pictures so your can get to know the rest of the group a little better as well so stay tuned :)