SE//What is your favorite part about being in PP?
MW+ Being about to do what i've always wanted to do. Traveling, being an artist, meeting absolutely amazing people, and changing the world! Plus working with totally amazing people and having super fun times together!
SE//Why PP? Why not a PAYING job?
MW+ Ha ha i don't really know there's no real strategy to that decision, it's just how it worked out i guess.
SE// Favorite place traveled/why?
MW+ It's a toss up between three places. Mumbai, I love india! Jinka, Ethiopia, because of all the fun times i had there and how it feels like home every time i go back! and London just because it's a cool city with a nice atmosphere!
SE//People who inspire you (artists, authors, musicians, etc)
MW+ Jesus, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Shane Claiborne, George Lucas, and anyone who isn't afraid to change the world.
SE//Finally, 1 or 2 random/fun facts?
MW+ I used to speak elvish. And i love Pokemon.
A few photos from her portfolio:

Please check out her blog: The Marvelous Misadventures of Melody!
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