I'm so thankful for every single person I was able to meet and talk to while I was at home. The encouragement in this time was much needed. I think the hardest part of doing what I do is repeatedly saying goodbye to family. Its always difficult to say goodbye to my 10 year old niece and one of my best friends - Kayla.

Here is the video I shared at the Anchor last Sunday. We are in the process of setting up a Kickstarter account. Once that is in place we will be able to start receiving donations for the book. In order for our book to be printed and taken on tour, we need to raise about $10,000 by April, 2010. Until then, if you have any questions, or would like to donate to the book fund please email me: stephanie.eatherly@gmail.com
Pick a Pocket is also in the process of setting up our new site. Once that is complete, we will be able to give you a fuller vision of exactly who we are.
In the next few weeks I will be profiling some of the other members of Pick a Pocket which their stories and pictures so your can get to know the rest of the group a little better as well so stay tuned :)
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