We leave for Stuttgart on Froday and have a few tour dates around and in the city. For more of that info, go here: http://www.myspace.com/pickapockettour
It seems we have tons of fans in Europe and cannot fufill all the requests to visit. We've had to turn several requests down, but not without promises to return later this year. We are currently scheduled to go to Austria on May 5 and then have a weekend in Hamburg before we venture off to the states...
If you've been to our myspace, you'll notice not many tour dates have been filled in. We still need to book a few more churches or venues around central TN. We'd love to come visit you with all of our art, merch, and music. We want to meet other artists, get inspired, and INspire. Please email me stephanie.eatherly[at]gmail.com to book an event! We also need host homes who don't mind sharing a few extra beds for our crew. There are about 15 of us that need a place to stay between June 2-28. If you can spare a room, or a meal, please contact me as well!
I'm printing my current poster and I am about printing my next:

On another note, I really hate bringing up the topic of money since it seems we all need more cash these days, but a few of our team members still don't have the money for flights, if you'd like to donate to me or another Pickapocketeer, please specify and you can donate through my donation button:
Be slessed,
i love this poster. i want one.