January - Brought in the New Year with worship in Herrnhut, Germany - a magical place in eastern Europe covered in snow with scents of fresh baked bread and coffee floating in the air.

Feburary - Worked on the book and became inspired to CREATE

March - Celebrated my 25th birthday with my crazy roommates from Grand Rapids, Orlando, and Düsseldorf, Germany with mickey mouse pancakes

April - Travelled aroung southern Germany with Pick a Pocket srpeading the word about our upcoming book and meeting Musicians on fire for God

May - Finish the book with Daivd, Tiana, and a handful of editors spending 4 final all-nighters to wrap up writing and spell checks

Also hit the skies to America where we would have our first ever Pick a Pocket American tour in Nashville and PA

June - Spent weeks on the road with the craziest people I know and got to see family (aka cutest kids IN THE WORLD:)

July - Cornerstone, Celebrated God's goodness, danced in the heat of the southern air. My favorite month of them all.

August - Returned to Herrnhut, Germany with enough inspiration from the summer to CREATE, DREAM, and prepare for Ethiopia

Celebrated the unity of two great lives

September - Landed in Ethiopia and began the search

October - Celebrated Meskel with the locals

and saw life come to be

November - Travelled from Ethiopia, to Germany (from Berlin to Herrnhut, to Hamburg), to America saying goodbye to new friends and reconnecting with the old (film to be developed...)

December - Creating again, preparing for shows, staying warm with family, encountering Our Great King - visiting IHOP in Kansas City, celebrating New Year's Eve in St. Louis, and having the time of my life in Nashville.

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