We walked, and walked, and walked. We walked over a bridge and I noticed everyone covering there face. I thought It must just be more pollution from the streets below until I saw them. The crows. Dozens of them. The were scavenging above a fish market and boy did that smell wreak. I guess they still haven't discovered refrigeration or ice for seafood. It was an impressing sight non-the-less. Somehow two older women napped on the ledge where shrimp was pealed daily. They must have lost their sense of smell throughout the years of working.
Another woman sat peeling shrimp getting orders from boss man while crows looked down from up above

As we walked past the shops I saw a man covered in concrete ashes and asked him for a picture. He actually posed for me for a minute or two.

Thanks concrete man :)
Like everywhere else in Inia, the streets are jammed packed with taxis and bicycles. We stopped at one shop on this corner where the owner took particular interest in Melody's camera. She had with her a roleflex and somehow this man knew all about aperture, medium format film, and vintage cameras. He expressed his frustration of not being able to find 120 film in this city...

Our stroll ended at the site of this Buddhist monk

He seemed quite young to me, but as we chatted with him, several men came up to be blessed in ceremony as he went through the steps: tying some sort of leaves together on a string with fruit attached, dipping them in some sort of paint and saying a "prayer" over the men, then giving them the mark on their forehead of the third eye or "chakra". He had never met a Christian... until today.
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